Massage Therapy Services
Relaxation is something lots of people end up needing amid a hectic lifestyle. This is essential for their minds and bodies to heal from the rigors of everyday life, which almost always causes tremendous stress. Massage therapy at our Torrance center is a great way to fix this.
Massage therapy is a way to trigger your relaxation response through physical touch, especially on and around the soft tissues. When it works, your breathing and heart rate slow down, and your muscles begin to relax. Another effect of effective massage therapy is that it boosts the serotonin level in the body, which contributes to positive thoughts and emotions. This leaves you feeling better psychologically so that you are ready to take on whatever life throws at you next.
Relaxation gained from massage therapy has other benefits as well. Relaxing your body is arguably the best way to stave off the physical effects of stress, as well as the risk of serious health conditions such as cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, insomnia, anxiety, sexual dysfunction, persistent fatigue, psychological issues, and digestive disorders. It is also associated with enhanced circulation of blood and lymph, owing to the way the soft tissue is manipulated, as well as the chemicals that get released when the relaxation response kicks in. With better circulation, the muscle cells derive greater access to oxygen and nutrients, which improves the person’s health, in turn allowing the tissues to function more effectively. Waste products get removed properly, excess fluids get absorbed, and any swellings subside.
When the muscles relax, it takes care of any painful spasms or contractions you may have been experiencing, as well as any nerve compression. It is important to remember that sometimes muscle compression can press down on the surrounding nerves, which is very bad for a person’s health. These muscles need to be relaxed so that the nerves can function properly.
Massage therapists at our Torrance center use their skills and experience to bring relaxation to not just the muscles in your body, but also the tendons and ligaments. On top of that, your organs too enjoy relief as a result of stress being removed from the muscles and bones. One example is the mitigation of menstrual cramps in women, which may have an onset originally as a side effect of lower back pain. Plenty of other pains and aches can be alleviated through a knowledgeable application of massage therapy
Have questions about chiropractic treatments and how they can benefit you? Contact one of our Redondo Beach staff members to assist you at (310) 798-8777.