What is Spinal Decompression Therapy
Spinal compression is one of the common causes of chronic back and neck pain. It comes about naturally through a combination of degenerative changes and strain sustained over a period of years. The strain mentioned here can be from supporting the upper body’s weight, or from repetitive motion. With progressing spinal compression the alignment of the spinal components can get altered, which can lead to nerve root compression. In such cases, the patient may find themselves beset by radiating neck pain, back pain, or pain in the extremities. This makes spinal compression one of the most widespread causes of chronic back and neck pain.
If a person suffers from pain as a result of spinal compression, the treatment goal, more often than not, is spinal decompression. This is simply relief from pressure placed on the discs, joints, and vertebrae. The spine can go back into normal alignment after this, and it may even let up on pressure sustained by surrounding nerve roots. It is possible to achieve spinal decompression through a succession of the conservative surgical therapies, after the physician has diagnosed the condition in the spine, and devised a conducive treatment plan.
Spinal Decompression Therapy Treatment Options
The initial step when choosing a treatment method for spinal decompression is to allow preference to conservative therapies. There is more than one conservative the spinal decompression method, which can prove effective, such as chiropractic care, water exercises, and physical therapy.
In chiropractic, the spine is decompressed by bringing it back into proper alignment through manual manipulation. When the vertebrae get realigned with the discs, its length and the cushioning available to it are improved sufficiently to allow the person to function without pain. In a similar manner, water exercise and physical therapy can get the spine back into position through stretching, which lengthens the spine into place, and then strengthen the muscles around it so that it is held in place.
For patients who don’t see results after undergoing conservative treatments over several months, lasting pain relief may be achievable through surgery. A minimally invasive decompression surgery is one of the best options when a person is unresponsive to other treatment methods.